Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
- Terms and Conditions
- WHAT IS RAPID? (11:46)
- What is an "Adhesion"?
- Mechanoreception-a new look at fascia.
- Pain Perception
- The Neuro-Properties of Fascia
- The Human Body
- Neuroimmunology
- More on Adhesions
- Palpation and Touch (18:53)
- Things to Keep in MInd (16:44)
- How to find the "Blisters" in the Body. (7:44)
- Cortical Mapping (5:29)
- The C-Bow (6:23)
- Test Your Learning
Available in
after you enroll
- Posterior Calf (7:05)
- Mastering the "J-Hook" (3:23)
- Tibialis Posterior (4:39)
- Achilles Tendinitis (6:47)
- Ankle Ligaments (13:44)
- Mobilizing the Talus (15:29)
- Lower Leg Anterior Aspect/Shin Splints (9:59)
- Peroneal Muscles/ Lateral Leg (9:06)
- Pronation and Gait (18:11)
- Knee Capsule (9:52)
- Anterior Knee with Movement (9:20)
- Posterior Knee Capsule (17:04)
- Posterior Knee with Movement (9:34)
- Hamstrings (7:04)
- Quadriceps (10:19)
- Adductors (11:13)
- Hamstring-Adductor Combo (4:48)
- Glutes and Sciatica (20:55)
- Sciatic Nerve Floss (3:36)
- Erectors (5:13)
- Quadratus Lumborum (13:23)
- Lumbar and Thoracic Paraspinals (12:38)
- Dorsal Sacral and Sacrotuberous Ligaments (5:37)
- Coccyx (16:34)
- Releasing the Posterior Kinetic Chain (13:54)
- Obliques and Abs (19:54)
- Pubic Symphysis Alignment (7:42)
- Tensor Fascia Latae and Illiotibial Band (7:15)
- Bursitis (5:30)
- Pudendal Nerve (11:23)
- Illiacus and Psoas (13:39)
- Plantar Fasciitis (21:20)
- Dorsal Foot (9:51)
- Morton's Neuroma (10:11)
- Arthritic Joints (7:11)
- Bunions (4:35)
- Adductor Hallucis and Flexor Hallicus Brevis (7:38)
- The Hand? (12:08)
Available in
after you enroll
Your Teachers-Rob and Sherry Routledge
RMT's dedicated to empowering therapists around the globe!